Dar Al Ber succeeded in collecting donations worth a total of one million dirhams, during just one day, 'Day of Arafah', corresponding to the 15th June, for the benefit of patients who are financially unable to pay the costs of their treatment, and in support of several charitable projects and humanitarian initiatives.

Dr. Mohammed Suhail Al Muhairi, CEO and Managing Director of Dar Al Ber Society, explained that the campaign was launched by the Society through the radio program 'Emarat Al Khair', on Noor Dubai Radio, for the benefit of the sick as well as charitable projects on the Day of Arafah.

He mentioned that they witnessed a remarkable and large turnout by families and charitable people in the UAE during this blessed day, and that the charitable campaign recorded a great success.

The CEO of Dar Al Ber expressed his deep thanks, appreciation, and gratitude to everyone who contributed to supporting the campaign, donating to it, and working to make it successful and achieve its noble goals.